Categories 2024


IRC Scheme of the Year


This award recognises the developers or operators who have brought a well-rounded and thought-through IRC design to market. The judges will assess entries on comprehensive/ attractive services for residents, great attention to detail, the importance of community, together with design and execution.

Retirement Housing Scheme of the Year

This award recognises exceptional retirement housing developments with superb attention to detail, a stunning development, a wide choice of accommodation, beautiful grounds and excellent service provision for residents.

Best Pipeline of the Year

This award recognises the developers or operators with the most impressive pipeline of seniors housing developments either under construction or with land acquired and planning obtained. The judges will assess both the volume and the quality of the projects in the pipeline.

Finance and Operations

Investor of the Year


This award recognises the most innovative and prolific investors in the IRC and retirement housing market.  The judges will assess both the volume and innovation of investment projects.

Lender of the Year

This award recognises banks and other lenders of capital who have best supported the IRC and retirement housing market – either with new projects or by helping existing partners to develop and enhance their organisation.


Legal Advisor of the Year

This award recognises the best legal advisors to the seniors housing sector. Judges will assess breadth of coverage, depth of expertise and value provided to clients across the seniors housing market.

Real Estate Advisor of the Year Award

This award recognises the best real estate advisors to the seniors housing sector. Judges will assess breadth of coverage, depth of expertise and value provided to clients across the seniors housing market.

Architect & Design of the Year


This award recognises dedication to excellence in the design of IRC and retirement living. Judges will assess an innovative and client-focused approach, as well as the range of projects under taken.

Planning Consultant of the Year

This award recognises the best planning consultants working across the seniors housing sector. Judges will assess the quality and scale of work completed and how consultants have been able to solve problems and deliver solutions to clients.


Best Hospitality Provider / Restaurant of the Year

This award recognises a strong sense of customer service, being resident focused, delivering great services and creating the best hospitality or restaurant for their residents.

Best Health and Wellbeing Service of the Year

This award recognises the best health and wellness service at a seniors housing scheme, with an emphasis on quality, community engagement and positive impact on wellness and health of residents.


Best Use of Technology in Seniors Housing

This award recognises the best use of technology in the seniors housing market. Judges will assess the effectiveness of technology implementation in improving the quality of life and experience for residents.

Best Partnership of the Year


This award recognises the best partnerships between seniors housing operators, local authorities, the NHS and other organisations. Judges will assess the effectiveness of these partnerships in achieving goals and improving quality of life for seniors housing residents.

Grand Prix

Operator of the Year


This award recognises the operator driving change within the IRC sector and creating a positive impact to existing communities – learning directly from their residents, which in turn enables the growth of their proposition and best practice.

Outstanding Contribution

Award to be announced on the night.

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